A Recipe for Healing

Be creative. Trust your instincts. Cry when you want to, laugh when you can. Choose the size pot that fits your loss. Season with memories; stir often.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

New Year

-At the end of senior year, a tree was planted for Micah at the high school. This plaque sits at the base.
This break my family decorated the tree with pine cones ornaments for the birds.-

2010, you started with a breakdown of tears because I didn't want a new year to begin without Micah. All I could think about was how a year earlier we welcomed in the year together in Germany.

But you ended up being unique and beautiful. You were precious in that you were the out-of-this-world year after Micah died, horrific and terrific all jumbled together. I knew you couldn't go to waste, so I held every second of you, even if it meant dropping everything else to be fully "in" it. I'm so glad I did and I will always cherish you.

2011, you are bittersweet, as always. A fresh slate is ahead, but I still remember sadness and tragedy and loved ones so far away, in my life and in others...
Still, I'm excited for you. Bring me some adventure, security, energy, change, love, guidance. I want to approach you with as much deliberateness of life as the last.