A Recipe for Healing

Be creative. Trust your instincts. Cry when you want to, laugh when you can. Choose the size pot that fits your loss. Season with memories; stir often.

Monday, March 8, 2010


You were here. And then suddenly not here.
But maybe now you're a combination of the both.

I never know what quite to do on the 8th of each month. Usually I end up doing ordinary things, but sneak in a Micah-like action as a tribute. Today my tribute was a solo dance party in my car, which seemed like a Micah thing to do.

Tradition also calls that I take a bubble bath. Sometimes I also sneak in a bowl of ice cream. (Sometimes you just deserve to spoil yourself.)

I'm loving this sunshine, though it is also a physical reminder of how time has gone by. One of those mixed-feelings things I love but hate.

I want to thank those that have already begun to think of me as the one-year mark approaches. Yesterday I received a 45 minute massage certificate as things "get more stressful." It's the little things like this that remind me how I've been held so lovingly in my community this year. My gratitude overflows.

So yes, here we are literally one month before April. I'm trying to tell myself to live in the moment and just appreciate each day, instead of always thinking about what's going to come next. Perhaps that is easier said than done.

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